Overcoming the HTTP/2 Handshake Hurdle: A Step-by-Step Guide to Integrating OpenTelemetry OtlpExporter (.Net 8) with Jaeger (All-In-One 1.58 win-docker)
Image by Tate - hkhazo.biz.id

Overcoming the HTTP/2 Handshake Hurdle: A Step-by-Step Guide to Integrating OpenTelemetry OtlpExporter (.Net 8) with Jaeger (All-In-One 1.58 win-docker)

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As developers, we’ve all been there – stuck in a frustrating debugging loop, trying to figure out why our beloved tracing tools just won’t play nicely together. If you’re reading this, chances are you’re experiencing the same frustration with OpenTelemetry OtlpExporter (.Net 8) and Jaeger (All-In-One 1.58 win-docker) refusing to complete that pesky HTTP/2 handshake. Fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to embark on a journey to troubleshooting triumph!

Understanding the Players: OpenTelemetry OtlpExporter and Jaeger

Before we dive into the solution, let’s take a brief moment to introduce our main characters:

  • OpenTelemetry OtlpExporter (.Net 8): A .NET 8-based exporter that enables the sending of telemetry data to a variety of backends, including Jaeger.
  • Jaeger (All-In-One 1.58 win-docker): A popular, open-source distributed tracing system that provides a comprehensive view of your application’s performance and behavior.

When these two tools are properly integrated, they form a powerful duo, providing unparalleled insights into your application’s inner workings. However, when they refuse to cooperate, it’s like trying to debug a mystery novel – frustrating and time-consuming.

The HTTP/2 Handshake Conundrum

So, what’s going on? Why is the HTTP/2 handshake failing? To understand this, let’s take a step back and look at the underlying technology:

HTTP/2, the successor to HTTP/1.1, introduces a new binary framing layer that enables multiple requests and responses to be multiplexed over a single connection. This allows for improved performance and efficiency. However, it also means that the initial handshake process is more complex and prone to errors.

In our scenario, the OtlpExporter is attempting to establish an HTTP/2 connection with Jaeger, but it’s failing to complete the handshake. This could be due to a variety of reasons, including:

  • Incompatible protocol versions
  • Invalid or missing configuration options
  • certificates or TLS configuration problems

Troubleshooting Steps: Getting OpenTelemetry OtlpExporter and Jaeger to Shake Hands

Now that we’ve identified the problem, let’s dive into the troubleshooting steps to get our HTTP/2 handshake back on track:

Step 1: Verify Jaeger Configuration

First, ensure that Jaeger is properly configured and running. You can do this by:

docker run -p 16686:16686 -p 14250:14250 -p 14267:14267 jaegertracing/all-in-one:1.58

This command starts the Jaeger All-In-One container, exposing ports 16686 (Web UI), 14250 (binary thrift), and 14267 (compact thrift).

Step 2: Check OtlpExporter Configuration

Next, review your OtlpExporter configuration to ensure it’s correctly set up:

<!-- Your .NET 8 project's appsettings.json file -->
  "OpenTelemetry": {
    "Exporters": {
      "OtlpExporter": {
        "Protocol": "http/2",
        "Endpoint": "http://localhost:14250",
        "Headers": {
          "Content-Type": "application/protobuf"

Verify that the `Protocol` is set to `http/2`, and the `Endpoint` matches the Jaeger container’s exposed port (in this case, `14250`).

Step 3: Enable HTTP/2 on the OtlpExporter

To enable HTTP/2 on the OtlpExporter, add the following code:

using OpenTelemetry.Exporters.Otlp;

// ...

var exporter = new OtlpExporter(new OtlpExporterOptions
    Protocol = OtlpProtocol.Http2,
    Endpoint = "http://localhost:14250",
    Headers = new[]
        new KeyValuePair<string, string>("Content-Type", "application/protobuf")

This sets up the OtlpExporter to use HTTP/2 and points it to the Jaeger container.

Step 4: Validate Jaeger Certificate Configuration

If you’re using certificates for TLS encryption, ensure that Jaeger is properly configured to use them:

<!-- Your Jaeger configuration file (e.g., jaeger.yaml) -->
  enabled: true
  cert_file: "/path/to/cert.crt"
  key_file: "/path/to/key.key"

Make sure the certificate files are correctly referenced, and the TLS configuration is enabled.

Step 5: Restart and Verify

After making these changes, restart your application and Jaeger container:

docker restart jaeger-container

Verify that the OtlpExporter is now successfully sending data to Jaeger by checking the Jaeger Web UI (accessible at http://localhost:16686).

Conclusion: Overcoming the HTTP/2 Handshake Hurdle

By following these troubleshooting steps, you should now be able to successfully integrate OpenTelemetry OtlpExporter (.Net 8) with Jaeger (All-In-One 1.58 win-docker) and complete that pesky HTTP/2 handshake. Remember to review your configuration, enable HTTP/2 on the OtlpExporter, and validate your Jaeger certificate setup.

If you’re still experiencing issues, don’t hesitate to delve deeper into the OpenTelemetry and Jaeger documentation, or seek help from the community forums.

Keyword Description
OpenTelemetry OtlpExporter A .NET 8-based exporter for sending telemetry data to various backends, including Jaeger.
Jaeger (All-In-One 1.58 win-docker) A popular, open-source distributed tracing system for monitoring application performance and behavior.
HTTP/2 A binary protocol that enables multiple requests and responses to be multiplexed over a single connection.

With these instructions, you should now be well-equipped to overcome the HTTP/2 handshake hurdle and unlock the full potential of OpenTelemetry OtlpExporter and Jaeger in your .NET 8 application.

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to the most common questions about OpenTelemetry OtlpExporter (.Net 8) and Jaeger (All-In-One 1.58 win-docker) unable to complete HTTP/2 Handshake.

What is the main issue with OpenTelemetry OtlpExporter (.Net 8) and Jaeger (All-In-One 1.58 win-docker)?

The main issue is that the OpenTelemetry OtlpExporter (.Net 8) is unable to establish a connection with Jaeger (All-In-One 1.58 win-docker) due to an incomplete HTTP/2 handshake.

Why is the HTTP/2 handshake not completing?

The HTTP/2 handshake is not completing due to a compatibility issue between the OpenTelemetry OtlpExporter (.Net 8) and Jaeger (All-In-One 1.58 win-docker). The exporter is using HTTP/2, but Jaeger is not configured to support it.

How do I configure Jaeger to support HTTP/2?

To configure Jaeger to support HTTP/2, you need to enable HTTP/2 in the Jaeger agent configuration file (jaeger-agent.yml). Add the following line: http2: true. Then, restart the Jaeger agent.

Are there any other configuration changes required for OpenTelemetry OtlpExporter?

Yes, you need to configure the OpenTelemetry OtlpExporter to use HTTP/2. Set the Protocol property to Http2 when creating the exporter instance.

What should I do if I still encounter issues after configuring Jaeger and OpenTelemetry OtlpExporter?

If you still encounter issues, check the Jaeger and OpenTelemetry logs for any errors. Verify that the HTTP/2 configuration changes are applied correctly. You can also try enabling verbose logging to get more detailed information about the handshake process.

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