Does Using ActivityComponent Scope in Hilt Provide the Same Dependency Instance Across All Fragments in the Activity?
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Does Using ActivityComponent Scope in Hilt Provide the Same Dependency Instance Across All Fragments in the Activity?

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As a developer, you’re probably no stranger to dependency injection and its benefits in Android app development. One popular dependency injection library is Hilt, which provides a simple and efficient way to manage dependencies in your app. But have you ever wondered, does using ActivityComponent scope in Hilt provide the same dependency instance across all fragments in the activity?

What is Hilt and How Does it Work?

Before we dive into the specifics of ActivityComponent scope, let’s take a step back and cover the basics of Hilt. Hilt is a dependency injection library for Android developed by Google. It’s based on the popular Java-based DI library, Dagger. Hilt provides a simple and efficient way to manage dependencies in your app by automatically generating the boilerplate code required for DI.

Hilt works by defining components, which are essentially graphs of objects and their dependencies. There are several types of components in Hilt, including:

  • SingletonComponent: A singleton component provides a single instance of a dependency throughout the entire app.
  • ActivityComponent: An activity component provides a single instance of a dependency throughout the entire activity.
  • FragmentComponent: A fragment component provides a single instance of a dependency throughout the entire fragment.
  • ViewComponent: A view component provides a single instance of a dependency throughout the entire view.

What is ActivityComponent Scope?

ActivityComponent scope is a type of component scope in Hilt that provides a single instance of a dependency throughout the entire activity. This means that any fragment or view within the activity can access the same instance of the dependency. ActivityComponent scope is useful when you need to share a dependency across multiple fragments or views within an activity.

For example, let’s say you have a shared preference manager that you want to use across multiple fragments in an activity. You can define the shared preference manager as a dependency in the activity component scope, and then inject it into each fragment as needed.

@Component(modules = [ApplicationModule::class])
interface ApplicationComponent {
  // ...

object ActivityModule {
  fun provideSharedPreferencesManager(@ApplicationContext context: Context): SharedPreferencesManager {
    return SharedPreferencesManager(context)

How Does ActivityComponent Scope Work?

When you define a dependency in the activity component scope, Hilt generates a component that provides the dependency instance to all fragments and views within the activity. This means that any fragment or view that injects the dependency will receive the same instance.

Here’s an example of how you might inject the shared preference manager into a fragment:

class ExampleFragment : Fragment() {
  lateinit var sharedPreferencesManager: SharedPreferencesManager

  override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
    super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)
    sharedPreferencesManager.savePreference("key", "value")

In this example, the `ExampleFragment` injects the `sharedPreferencesManager` instance, which is provided by the activity component scope. The `sharedPreferencesManager` instance is shared across all fragments within the activity, so any changes made to the shared preferences in one fragment will be reflected in all other fragments.

Does ActivityComponent Scope Provide the Same Dependency Instance Across All Fragments?

Now, let’s answer the question that brought you here: does using ActivityComponent scope in Hilt provide the same dependency instance across all fragments in the activity? The short answer is yes!

When you define a dependency in the activity component scope, Hilt ensures that the same instance is provided to all fragments and views within the activity. This means that if you inject the same dependency into multiple fragments, they will all receive the same instance.

Here’s an example to illustrate this:

class Fragment1 : Fragment() {
  lateinit var sharedPreferencesManager: SharedPreferencesManager

  override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
    super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)
    sharedPreferencesManager.savePreference("key", "value")

class Fragment2 : Fragment() {
  lateinit var sharedPreferencesManager: SharedPreferencesManager

  override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
    super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)
    Log.d("Fragment2", sharedPreferencesManager.getPreference("key"))

In this example, both `Fragment1` and `Fragment2` inject the `sharedPreferencesManager` instance, which is provided by the activity component scope. Because they both inject the same instance, any changes made to the shared preferences in `Fragment1` will be reflected in `Fragment2`.

Best Practices for Using ActivityComponent Scope

While ActivityComponent scope is a powerful tool for sharing dependencies across fragments, there are some best practices to keep in mind:

  1. Use ActivityComponent scope sparingly. Only use it for dependencies that truly need to be shared across multiple fragments.

  2. Avoid using ActivityComponent scope for dependencies that have a short lifespan. Instead, use a shorter-lived component scope, such as FragmentComponent or ViewComponent.

  3. Be careful when injecting dependencies into fragments. Make sure you’re injecting the correct instance, and that it’s not being overridden by a fragment-specific instance.


In conclusion, using ActivityComponent scope in Hilt does provide the same dependency instance across all fragments in the activity. By defining a dependency in the activity component scope, Hilt ensures that the same instance is provided to all fragments and views within the activity. This makes it easy to share dependencies across multiple fragments, simplifying your app’s architecture and reducing boilerplate code. Just remember to use ActivityComponent scope sparingly and follow best practices to avoid common pitfalls.

Component Scope Description
SingletonComponent Provides a single instance of a dependency throughout the entire app.
ActivityComponent Provides a single instance of a dependency throughout the entire activity.
FragmentComponent Provides a single instance of a dependency throughout the entire fragment.
ViewComponent Provides a single instance of a dependency throughout the entire view.

By following the guidelines and best practices outlined in this article, you can effectively use ActivityComponent scope to share dependencies across multiple fragments in your Android app.

Frequently Asked Question

Get the clarity on using ActivityComponent scope in Hilt and its impact on dependency instances across fragments in an activity.

Does using ActivityComponent scope in Hilt guarantee the same dependency instance across all fragments in the activity?

A big yes! When you use the ActivityComponent scope in Hilt, it ensures that the same dependency instance is provided to all fragments in the activity. This is because Hilt scopes are tied to the component’s lifetime, and in this case, the component is the activity. As a result, all fragments attached to the activity will receive the same instance of the dependency.

What happens if I use different scopes for different fragments in the same activity?

If you use different scopes for different fragments, each fragment will get its own instance of the dependency. This is because each scope has its own instance of the dependency, and Hilt will provide a separate instance for each scope. So, if you want to share the same instance across all fragments, stick to the ActivityComponent scope!

Can I use the ApplicationComponent scope instead of ActivityComponent scope?

While you can use the ApplicationComponent scope, it’s not recommended in this scenario. The ApplicationComponent scope is tied to the application’s lifetime, which means the same instance will be shared across all activities, not just the fragments in the current activity. This might lead to unexpected behavior or even memory leaks if not handled properly.

What about using a custom scope for my fragments?

You can create a custom scope for your fragments, but it’s essential to understand the implications. A custom scope will provide a separate instance of the dependency for each fragment, similar to using different scopes for different fragments. However, if you want to share the same instance across all fragments, you’ll need to tie the custom scope to the activity’s lifetime, which might add complexity to your code.

Are there any performance implications when using ActivityComponent scope with Hilt?

Using the ActivityComponent scope with Hilt is designed to be efficient and has minimal performance implications. Hilt uses a graph of components to manage dependencies, and the scope is tied to the component’s lifetime. This means that the instance of the dependency is created and destroyed along with the activity, reducing memory overhead and performance concerns.

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